visiting Circle I Donna & MikeOur newest members Dan & RuanneJerry & PeggyDon & SharonGary & Myong @ Circle Igot our banner backweek 4 lessons with Mike BramlettGreat group of studentsRoadrunners at T SquaresDancing to Vernon JonesUnder the Sea caller Dan Clairmont and Prez Sharon AndrewUnder the Sea Grand MarchDancing to Dan ClairmontWeek 3 lessonsTriangle Squares 50th Anniversary Dance. Callers Toby Thomason & Deborah Carroll-Jones the CallersWaiting for the next tiptaking a quick breakwe captured their bannerRoadrunners attended the NTCA DanceRoadrunners attended Tri City Promenaders DanceWaiting on Ray SavellJohn, Joan, Vince, & Pamala….skirts up!Gary & Myong missed Gary on group picGot our banner back and stole theirsDay 2 of lessonsToby Thomason teaching our new dancersDay 2 lessons we had 6 & 7 squares on the floorRoadrunners at Ft Worth Squares All Singing Call Dance1st day of lessonsHad 6 squares on the floorStudents learning the moveseveryone was enjoying the lessonsBoot Scootin Boogie Grand MarchGuest Caller Joey Duhamel and President SharonBoot Scootin Boogie DancersDancing with JoeyWaiting on JoeyGuests at Roadrunner DanceGrand March Roadrunners Love a White Christmas DancePresidents Pam, Eddie, and our guest caller Charlie RobertsonDancing to Charlie RobertsonSome new dancers joined uswaiting on the next tipMary & Curtis celebrated their Anniversary with usRoadrunner Christmas Party 2024Ready to get this party startedwaiting to get some foodWOW DessertLook who got the PIG!Roadrunners @ Round UPNORTEX President Vince Matej, Round Up Chair Terri Johnson, Caller Jet RobertsJet Roberts calling at NORTEX Round UpA Great Night of dancingDancing at Callers Calvacadethe dance floor was fullDale & Sharon with our Guest Caller Charles Crockett Deck the halls with Singing Calls DanceKitchen Crew for our Deck the Halls with Singing Calls DanceDancing to Charleswaiting on Charles next tipGetting the square lined upRoadrunners at Tri City Promenaders DanceGot their bannerRoadrunners attending Oklahoma State Square Dance FestivalCurtis, Mary, and Roadrunner friendsVince & PamalaPam & BobRoadrunners Turkey Trot Dance,Diane with our guest caller Tim TylWaiting on TimDancing to TimIt was a great night of dancingRoadrunners Service Project for 20246 Roadrunners attended Pioneers Pre Roundup dance and stole their bannerWelcome Roadrunners Fall is in the Air DanceDave Vieira calling our danceReady for the next tipFriends came to visitRoadrunners @ Tri City Dance 10-26Pirates @ Tri City DancePlenty of Roadrunnersmore RoadrunnersMore and more Roadrunnersgot their bannerGreg H, Eddie,& Pam with our guest caller Mike Bramlett Ghost & Ghoulies DanceGhosts & Ghoulies DanceDancing to MikeRobert & DebiA rush on the honey potA Marathon of Roadrunners attended Circle I Pre Round Up DanceCharlie Robertson and Ray Savell calling Circle I danceVince & Pamela dancingDancing the night awayMore Roadrunners at Circle IGot their bannerRoadrunners with Toby Thomason @ Triangle Squares DanceWaiting on Toby, Mr papparazzi even got caught in the photoGot our banner backGrand March Big Tex Big Fair Toys on Parade Pre Roundup DanceRoadrunners Big Tex Big Square DancePrez Ed Reedy with our Caller Dan NordbyeWaiting on next tipHoney Pot Winner LeonardDancing @ Tri City PromenadersRoadrunners waiting for RayRay & Linda Savell calling for Tri City PromenadersGot our banner back and theirs tooRoadrunners @ Ft Worth Squaresmore RoadrunnersGot their bannerCharlie Robertson calling Trailblazers Pre Round Up DanceGood time dancingWaiting on next tipgot their bannerRoadrunners Sports Night Dance Grand MarchOur Guest Caller Jerry Gilbreath and Mary BethRoadrunners Sports night dance with California visitorsMary Beth got to dance tooDancing to JerryRoadrunners @ NORTEX Round Up Kick Off DanceThere was a full floorA great day for dancingWe had a good turnout at Circle I’s danceRoadrunners got our banner back and Circle I’s tooEnjoying Ray Savell callingRoadrunners @ Double Plus DanceWaiting on the callerRoadrunners @ CASUL Labor Day Dancemore RoadrunnersRoadrunners LASSOS AND LACE 53rd Anniversary DanceRoadrunners group photothe store was busyGuest Caller Brad CaldwellGuest Cuer Karen & Ed GloodtDancing to BradRoadrunners at T Square Gadabout Dance August 16Vernon Jones T Square CallerDancing to VernonRoadrunner Grand March Dance in your Polka Dot Pants DancePolka dots everywhereOur Guest Caller Joey DuhamelDancing to JoeyRoadrunners at Circle Igot their bannertaking a breakRoadrunners @ Pioneers Dance August 9thLook who won the honey potTim Tyl calling for Kissin Kuzzins Vince got their banner tooRoadrunners @ Kissin Kuzzinsmore RoadrunnersDog Daze of Summer DanceTim Tyl our guest caller with Pam the PrezRoadrunners waiting to get startedThe Badman’s brought a friend to check out square dancingFt Worth Squares visited our dance !some good friends came to dance with usRoadrunners attended Tri City Promenaders DanceRoadrunners got Our and their bannerRoadrunners @ Ft Worth Squares Dance got their banner and T-Squares from earlierJeff won the honey potRoadrunners @ Rebel Rousers Anniversary DanceGot their banner and a check for $100. Club that brought most members to their dancegetting the rounds inA couple of Christmas trees made it outRoadrunners @ T-Squares Dancewe got to dance to Scott BennettNelda Eaton with Pam Reedy. Aloha from Hawaii DanceDancing to Nelda EatonEveryone is Enjoying the evening dancinga little line dancingNo Hear, No See, & No Speak Square dancersRoadrunners at Route 66 Dance in Elk CityReiner & Marita in Red RiverMary & Curtis at Royal Rendezvous Ardmore DanceRoadrunners at Pioneers Beach Party DanceRoadrunners at Circle 8 Dance with Buddy WeaverOur New NORTEX President, Vince and PamalaCircle 8 Callers Buddy Weaver & Melton Luttrell they had a big crowdScott Bennett & new Prez Pam ReedyJack Gregory signing the Star Spangled BannerNew Co-Presidents Sharon & Dalewaiting for next tipKitchen Crew hard at workClaudio won a Cantelope from Diane’s gardenRoadrunners at Tri Citygot their banner Roadrunners at Nationals 2024Nationals some RR’s looking for next danceDee Dee calling in band hallfinal count at NationalsToby Thomason calling Roadrunners Tie Dye DanceTie Dye out in full forceSome guests stopped by interested in square dancingDancing to TobyMost of the Roadrunners @ Texas State June 2024lining up from Grand March @ Texas State Festival June 2024NORTEX @ Texas State Festivallunch on Saturdayrest of group at lunchI think we scared ErnieFriday @ StateMore Fridayfun dancingsome RR’s Friday lunchFriday afternoon dance timeRoadrunners @ Circle I on June 8thCelebrating Ray & Linda Savell on 30 years of callingCaptured their bannerJeff Holley Calling for Roadrunners Pirates DancePirates invaded Swingtime on June 6thWaiting for Jeff Holley to startupRoadrunner Presidents Benny & Jet, Thank you for all you do!Joni with Jeff Holley our caller for the evening, drawing honey pot ticketRoadrunners raiding Rebel Rouser’sDancing to Mike Bramlettwaiting on MikeRetrieved and capturedRoadrunners at T-Squares specialty Square DanceWaiting for the next tricky tipRoadrunners Old Tyme Dance with Vernon Joneswaiting instructionstaking a breakRoadrunners visited Circle IRoadrunners @ CASUL Support dance for Texas National dance 2026Mascots for National Dances in LA & TX2025 & 2026Taking a short breakDancing to Charlie RobertsonRoadrunners @ Log Cabin SwingersVernon Jones & Charlie Robertson calling T-Squares Anniversary DanceRoadrunners at T-Squares Dancewaiting for the tip to start
Roadrunners Feasta Fiesta Dance Charlie Robertson caller
Roadrunners @ NORTEX Dance April 21Thank you Audrey for the last 2 years. Great job as NORTEX Presidentwaiting for Tim Tyl to startdance timeKissin Kuzzins 51st Anniversary Dance Grand March Callers Mike Bramlett & Ken BurkeRoadrunners getting ready for the next tipRoadrunners with Ken Burke @ Kissin Kuzzins 51st Anniversary Dance